Thursday 14 June 2012

Join the dots

How was The Age's Tony Wright able to write Wednesday's article about Craig Thomson's nemesis, Kathy Jackson, without noting the implications?

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Oh come on!

Jackson, secretary of the HSU, spoke to the right wing, union smashing H.R. Nicholls Society ... no raised eyebrows, Tony?

HR Nicholls is dedicated to a non union free market approach and I believe that some of its members were key architects of Workchoices, and here is Thomson's key accuser (not to menion HSU rival) appearing there as a guest speaker.

Did I mention that Jackson's partner is an Abbot appointed VP of Fair Work Autralia, the investigator of Craig Thomson ... Not ringing a bell, Tony?

You don't see that there may be a bit more to this?  No?  Hmmm

Check this out if you're wondering

Tony, or Katherine Murphy or any other entripid journos should be smelling a huge story but it seems that they don't write anything unless someone writes it for them and gives it to them as a press release.

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