Friday 13 July 2012


They're not faceless men but, they are so ugly, I wish they were.

These (mainly) right-wing schmendricks who think that a political party is some kind of franchise, rather than a vehicle for representing constituents.

Labor's wavering line on various policies of principle (eg Asylum seekers) seems to be more about market share than policy.

Likewise the attempts to smash the Greens seems to be about eliminating competition rather than trying to understand why erstwhile labor vote is leaking in that direction.

Some of these backroom boys supposedly represent union members, yet why would a unionist be fearful of Green policy?

It seems to me thatlike Tony Abbot, for some of these ratbags the only objective is winning and the nature of the victorious government or its policies is irrelevant.  

It's now getting to the point where people who would have previously been fairly safe Labor voters might vote for a Liberal Party under Malcolm Turnbull (although that would be ultimately disappointing for them, despite his "progressive" social outlook, I reckon)

There's a lot of us out there who are pretty sick of this "winning is the only thing" view which insults us and our vote.

Don't get me wrong, I understand that pragmatism and compromise are important tools in effective government (look at the things Julia Gillard has achieved with a minority government) but let's see a bit of principle and a bit of courage to go with it.

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